How to Accessorize Any Room

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Design Tips & Trends

Hey there, I'm Michelle!

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Let’s talk accessorizing. I see people make a lot of mistakes in this area, either spending too much or creating a space that does not work for them. People often design and build out beautiful spaces with curated furniture, tile selections, paint, etc. only to get to the very end of their project to realize their space was greatly lacking when it comes to warmth and comfort. Accessorizing is like the jewelry to a space, the small items can truly make or break a room.

In this week’s blog, I’m going to show you how to accessorize a room using your lifestyle and budget as a guide, to make your space look and feel amazing.

Think About It

Accessories are super important, so don’t spend your whole budget on high-end furniture or one expensive rug and leave nothing left for the little details that make the big difference. Take time to think about what is needed in the room to make it feel right for you. I always recommend starting any home project with a plan. Impulse purchases and making decisions as you can can leave you with unfinished spaces and mix-matched styles- not in a funky fun kind of way.

Always prioritize a plan up front. Start with a Pinterest board in order to find your overall style, then craft that style for your specific space into a vision board. This vision board does not have to be anything crazy complicated, it can simply be a digital space to see all of the materials of the room come together in one spot. The vision board will help you visualize everything, including accessories. What you don’t want to happen with accessorizing is to walk into a Home Goods, spend $200, come home with items you loved in the store, only to find that they don’t quite work with all the other materials you already have in your space. Plan ahead, with budget and style, even when it comes to the small items!

Lifestyle Matters

Your space has to work for you so think about your lifestyle. If you don’t want to spend an age making your bed each morning then don’t go all out with cushions or throws that are gonna take time to organize. Or if you’re not into dusting, keep objects on the bookshelves to a minimum.

I always start my consultations with clients off with the same question: How do you want your space to feel? Accomplishing this feeling in your space starts with the big ticket items, but comes all the way down to the nitty gritty details of accessories. If you want your space to feel approachable, comfortable, and lived in, then a glass coffee table and a “coaster only” policy won’t be the vibe for you.

When it comes to accessorizing, truly think about how you live your life daily. While a maximalist look is beautiful on the Pinterest feed, do you truly find yourself spending a Saturday straightening all the mix matched frames on the wall or fluffing all ninenteen pillows on the sofa? If not, reconsider where you invest your resources with accessories.

Plants and Lighting

I love plants in my home, I love the life they bring into any space. When I’m looking at a room and something feels like it’s lacking, it’s typically a plant! If you’ve ever had the joy of bringing home a fresh bouquet of flowers on a Sunday grocery run, just imagine that feeling all the time with the addition of house plants. Some house plants are easier to maintain than others. My simple house plant recommendations are snakes tongue, pathos, and zz plants, these are nearly impossible to kill. I water all of my house plants once a week, not too bad on maintenance!

If you’ just simply cannot bring yourself to have live plants- many young children, too many pets, etc. there are some good fake plants out there, I just highly recommend choosing ones that actually look live. Read the reviews, scour the photos, and even better buy these in store and not online!


Good lighting can also make a big difference to the feel of a room, so don’t be afraid to experiment with this and find out what works best. I kid you not when I say I have about 3 lamps in every room in my home. I rarely use the overhead light in any space at any time, it often feels too harsh for me. Lamps are a great area to save a little cash in your home decor budget. I find myself shopping for lamps at Target, Home Goods, World Market, and thrift stores. Do not under estimate the power of good lighting in a space, it truly might be the largest impact one item has on how a room feels, which of course is the most important thing!



Time and Budget

Don’t feel you have to rush this process. Accessories can be added over time to create your final look. You can add a few items to start, making additions when you see what your need is, or when you have space in your budget. Accessorizing is the fun part, don’t make it overly stressful! I highly encourage you to curate your goods over time, this way the items you choose to place in your home have more meaning than a bookend picked up at Wal-Mart.

I tend to look for art and unique finds on my travels, small home accessories make for great souvenirs, I’ll now be reminded of my trip for years to come. Art is another accessory that can be a big budget item, so space those purchases out! I love to find art and artists that truly speak to me. I’ll find these artists on Instagram, Etsy, during trips, as well as through friends. Allow your art curation to grow over time. I highly recommend knowing exactly what you’re looking for so you’re ready when you see the perfect item. Consider having a list on your phone with the approximate dimensions of what your space needs. i.e. 3’ x 5’ vertical art piece for above the dining buffet. You can always add an affordable filler for now, like a mirror, until the perfect piece strikes you!

Want to learn more about interior design?

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  • Plan out your project

  • Define your style

  • Carry out basic DIY

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Hey there, I'm Michelle!

Interior Decorator in Austin, TEXAS

As the founder and lead interior decorator here at Cultivate Your Space, I'm here to bring you the vision your space—from the baseboards to the ceilings—even if you have no idea at all what your decorating style is.

My job isn't just to design a space you love. I want your living space to be a source of peace, comfort, security, and joy...not just somewhere you lay your head each night.

Most Austin interior decorators only focus on how your space looks—but not me. I care about both how your space functions AND how it makes you feel.

Curating with intention

A guide to Finding Your Personal Interior Design Style

Do you need to buy new decor but aren't quite sure what to call your design style or what to even search for? Download this free guide and discover your signature style, even if you don't have an eye for design.

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